
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Red Shirts

According to, in college sports a red shirt is an athlete who did not play in any games (at the coach's request), or was seriously injured during their first season. The "red-shirt" designation means that that season will not count against the player's four years of NCAA eligibility, allowing them to play four full seasons.
Courtesy Google Images

Anyone who has watched the original Star Trek series (1966 – 1969) knows that a red shirt character is usually the first one to die. The term “red shirt” has become so ingrained in my family’s lexicon that when we watch a TV program we attempt to identify the designated red shirt.

I found an interesting article at that reported being a "Red Shirt" on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 was one of the most dangerous jobs in any (imaginary) military. According to 13.7% of Kirk’s crew died during their three-year televised mission; 73% of the deaths were Red Shirts.
Courtesy Google Images

I knew that the "Red Shirt" was the first to go. It’s reassuring to know that there is statistical evidence to back up what I knew intuitively.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me nervous. Red is my signature color, and I mostly wear red shirts to conferences and writing workshops. Maybe I need to stop. haha
