
Friday, December 14, 2012

A Game of Thrones

Courtesy Google Images
A Game of Thrones is a Home Box Office (HBO) series based on George R.R. Martin’s books in his A Song of Ice and Fire series. I have not watched the show, but Dwight Schrute, Rainn Wilson’s character in NBC’s The Office, describes it thusly, “The superb Home Box Office series A Game of Thrones; it has a lot of nudity which I fast forward through to get to the chopped off heads.”

I saw an interview with Mr. Martin where he indicated the total volumes in the series would be seven, possibly eight, books. To date, five are complete and number six is scheduled for a 2014 release.

I don’t know what rock I’ve been living under; but until my son gave me a copy of A Game of Thrones, the first book in the series, I had never heard of George R. R. Martin. According to the Houston Chronicle, he’s been writing genre fiction since 1970. He has written for television (Twilight Zone and Beauty and the Beast) and A Game of Thrones was published in 1996.

Courtesy Google Images
I was pleasantly surprised. I haven’t read much fantasy so at first blush, A Game of Thrones looked to be a ponderous read. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The book is set in a fantasy realm that has the feel of feudal England; it reads like historical fiction. There are knights and lords but the element of fantasy is strong, as there are dragons and the undead. Martin also weaves in the hint of magic.

Each chapter is named for a different character and all the characters have interdependency— what happens to one will eventually affect another. And don’t get too enamored with any one character. Martin has demonstrated they are mortal … they die.

The main players are the Lannisters and the Starks. The struggles of, and between, these two families may decide who will rule Martin’s fantasy realm.

I’ve started book two, A Clash of Kings, and so far I like it as much as book one. If the HBO series is as well-crafted as the books (it won eight Emmys in 2012), it must be good viewing.

I’m curious to know the opinion of those who’ve read the books or seen the television series. Leave comments below.

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