
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Robo Sally

According to IMDB, 1986’s Short Circuit is a movie about a robot, Number 5 (Johnny Five), that is electrocuted, suddenly becomes intelligent, and escapes. I thought it was a cute movie. I also think its physical appearance is eerily similar to Robo Sally.

Robo Sally is a robot designed by Applied Physics Laboratory at John Hopkins University in Maryland. Its creators believe the robot will enable technicians to perform a variety of jobs remotely, such as disarming bombs. Its design allows the dexterity needed to finish complex tasks that require fine motor skills.

According to 60 Minutes, by tasking Robo Sally with dangerous missions, like diffusing bombs or manning checkpoints, soldiers can operate her remotely from a position of safety—which could, one day, dramatically decrease the numbers of soldiers who suffer devastating limb injuries and amputations.

In the movie, Johnny Five was being developed for use by the United States military. Funding for Robo Sally is courtesy of the United States Defense Department. Does anyone else think that science fiction is becoming science fact?

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