
Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Laser Update

A year ago, 4/23/12, I authored the blog, A New Old Use for Lasers, in which I discussed current and past uses for lasers. The focus of the piece was Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars Defense System and a laser system that could deflect meteors.
Courtesy Google Images

Consider this blog an update. On Monday, 4/8/13, the United States Navy tested a ship mounted laser; a laser so powerful that it can set a flying drone on fire.

According to the laser system, Laser Weapons System (LaWS), will be deployed on the USS Ponce and operational by the summer of 2014. Initially, the LaWS will be used to combat small boats that pose a threat to larger U.S. Navy ships – much like the small Iranian fast boats that pester U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf.

Courtesy Google Images
The LaWS would fit into the military’s vision of a leaner, quicker and cheaper to deploy fighting force. It doesn’t need propellants, can keep firing as long as there is a power source and a shot of directed energy costs about $1. reports that the Navy envisions the LaWS being used for precision and covert engagements.

The test firing on April 8th seems to have been a success. The LaWS was fired from a moving ship at a moving target drone causing the drone to catch fire. Granted, a drone is not a missile or jet plane but it’s still a moving target.

In my April 2012 post, I asked if you thought if lasers used to deflect space rocks could also deflect missiles. I think the Navy has answered my question in a fashion. I think that by downing a flying drone they’ve taken a step toward the destruction of missiles via a laser.

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