
Thursday, July 18, 2013

An Interview with Matt Ryan of Free Lunch Comics

Next week, I will begin a 10-week serialization of my short story The Devil You Know. It will be enhanced with custom-designed artwork, courtesy of Matt Ryan, President of Free Lunch Studios and Free Lunch Comics in Granby, Connecticut. Matt is an awesome artist and I highly recommend you check out the official Free Lunch website.

© Free Lunch Studios
Matt co-owns Free Lunch Studios with Writer/Publisher Steve Kanaras. Matt and Steve produce comics and strips of their own and for other companies. They offer freelance services in art, graphic design and writing, and teach classes and workshops at their Granby office. They also conduct a traveling lecture series called Comic Construction.

Free Lunch has six active physical and digital titles: Bigger, Only in Whispers, Beyond the Kuiper Belt, Chip N Fish, My 24 Hour Books, Junk Food.

Matt obtained an Associate Degree in Visual Fine Arts, (with a touch of Graphic Design) at Tunxis Community College in Farmington, CT. He has been interested in comic books since the third grade. He’s a big Conan … [the Barbarian] …fan and he loves comics that are unapologetic about their content. Matt was kind enough to sit down with me and talk about his career and Free Lunch.

Derek Egerton: How did the studio come into being?

Matt Ryan: Years ago, we used to distribute Bigger mini comics to try to get gigs [and] show our work. We used to be in Simsbury, CT. Same business model but nowhere near as successful. I didn't have the business experience or resources I do now.

DE: Were you trying to fill a void?

MR: Definitely wanted to make a creative, educational and friendly business environment for fans, businesses and families that believe/love comics and cartoons.

DE: Why Free Lunch?

MR: Every class we teach in the medium of comics on the weekends...[we provide] free lunch for the students! Yes, it's awesome.

DE: How do advertise your services?

MR: We go to local comic shows and events as well as use the sites when we update our weekly strips. We have a variety of blogs and Facebook pages along with

DE: What inspired you to teach?

MR: I love sharing my passion with kids of all ages! Today, I was teaching how to draw zombies and we were taking turns acting like them! Brainnnssss!

DE: Who were your mentors?

MR: I learned SOO much from my first boss out of college, Mark Lewis. Great guy, great work ethic, great sense of humor. Love the guy.

DE: Would you share a success story of one of your students?

MR: I have a few gems I'm very proud of. I love seeing the progress of students. My favorite moment was awarding an arts scholarship to one of my students while I was president of the Granby Artists Association. She's our intern currently and I was able to get her an exclusive meeting with a claymation superhero (which happens to be her major).

DE: How do you determine what is going to become a comic?

MR: We have done team and singular efforts. I feel like we each have something to contribute to make a complete vision...sometimes I get the bug to do some world building, so if time allows...I'll try to squeeze something out during my free time. (Ha!)

DE: How do you determine the success of a release?

MR: By the reaction of the reader. My favorite thing is to watch someone read Junk Food strips...the payoff is so quick! They get the joke-they laugh! I love it. The takes longer. I love being harassed by people who read one issue and can't wait for the next...I keep good secrets!

DE: You lamented that ten years ago the comic industry changed to a specialty market. What did you mean by that? Do you think comics books are becoming a lost medium?

MR: No. I believe it's changing. You used to be able to get comic books anywhere. Those days are gone. The way you get comics anywhere now is through the web. It's a very exciting time.

DE: You told me watching Twin Peaks is a rite of passage for your interns. Why?

MR: Perfect excuse to watch it again! We love that stuff! It's funny, weird and scary. Not too many shows like that.

DE: If you weren’t working at Free Lunch what would you be doing?

MR: Planning my escape.

Follow the Free Lunch blog at Like their Facebook pages here.

And don’t forget to check out my 10-part short The Devil You Know, featuring artwork by Matt Ryan starting July 24th, 2013.

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