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Artwork Credit: Matt Ryan |
“Not quite,” replied Videl. “I’m saying, you beat the Devil you become the Devil.”
Barney was stunned. He was certain he had misheard Videl.
Videl continued, “Throughout the ages, many men and women have assumed the role of the Devil. You’ll just be another in the line of succession.”
“I never agreed to this,” complained Barney.
“It was implied when you opted to craft your own agreement.” Videl flipped the pages of the guidebook. “It’s in here.”
“That’s not fair. I didn’t know it existed.”
“You didn’t ask.”
“Because I didn’t know.”
“No one can possibly know everything where the Devil is concerned. In all that literature you consulted, did you read anything that indicated anyone has ever won? You may have beaten me . . . but you did not win!”
“I won’t do it,” Barney avowed.
Videl nodded knowingly. “Oh, at first you’ll try to shirk your responsibilities; we all did. But, trust me; it’s not a viable option.” Videl paused and shuddered. “The pain will be excruciating.” He lowered his voice, “It’s like nothing you’ve ever imagined. The more you fight, the more intense the agony.
“Eventually, you’ll immerse yourself in the . . . role. Each new soul decreases your pain and increases your pleasure until you’ll manage to relegate thoughts of your former life to the depths of your unconscious mind. You’ll revel in your conquests until you become wholly and solely the Devil.
“But the desire to return to a normal human lies at the periphery, waiting for that moment of reclamation. I’ve been watching you for a very long time, Barney. I knew you had the potential to be my One when you acquiesced to Dirk so easily.” Videl nodded his head. “It was time.”
“But,” stammered Barney, “I’m a child; an innocent.”
“Ha, young you may be but”—Videl’s eyes widened—“innocent you are not.”
“I’ve never harmed anyone,” said Barney.
“What about Dirk and his friends? You never once considered their fate.”
“That was you.”
“At your behest.” Videl pressed, “Do you care about their families’ anguish? Their friends? You never asked what happened to them.”
“I’ve been busy with school; I didn’t even go home for the summer; I’ve been out of touch.”
“Excuses. Truth is, you don’t care. You got what you wanted and everything else be damned. You will make a fine successor.”
Barney’s shoulders slumped. He hadn’t given a thought about Dirk or his friends. That doesn’t make me . . . evil?
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Artwork Credit: Matt Ryan |
He felt dampness on his hand; the snow was falling and the wind picked up as the temperature dropped. The winter thaw ended as abruptly as it had begun.
Pain began to radiate through Barney’s body as Videl strode away. He watched each step until Videl wasn’t even a pinprick on the horizon. He waited for a flash of light or a puff of smoke but it never occurred; Videl just disappeared and Barney knew it would be forever this time.
Barney was so close to attaining his dream but when you play with fire… well, you know the rest.
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