
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall 2013 Science FictionTV to Watch

The best show on TV … I’ve heard this from many different sources; my kids, some co-workers, my friends and television pundits. No … not Breaking BadThe Walking Dead. The fourth season of The Walking Dead premieres on Sunday, 10/13/13 and I’m somewhat ashamed to admit I’ve yet to watch an episode. I’d always thought it was a show about zombies and I’ve never been a big fan of zombie movies because I’m not a big fan of gore. I can only recall watching two zombie movies: Warm Bodies (2013) and Shaun of the Dead (2004).

Many people have told me that The Walking Dead is less about zombies and more about more about relationships. Is this accurate? I don’t know, but I like character driven shows so I guess I’m going to have to get caught up via Netflix.

I probably watch way too much TV and the following are four science fiction shows that I plan to follow this season so I doubt I can fit in another show, even one as allegedly good as The Walking Dead.

Courtesy Google Images
1. Revolution, NBC, 2nd season debut 9/25/13
Revolution takes place fifteen years after a world-wide blackout. The U.S government has collapsed, and multiple factions are vying for control of the country. I like this show because no character is safe. During the last few weeks of the spring 2013 season two main characters got terminated. I think it adds an element of suspense when the viewer isn’t certain who will survive.

Courtesy Google Images
2. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, ABC, 1st season debut 9/24/13
This show takes place after the battle for New York in the 2012 movie, The Avengers. Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) leads a section of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Their mission seems to be hunting down powerful artifacts and potentially dangerous individuals before said items or persons can menace society.

I’ve seen two shows. I think there’s room for the show to grow. I’m not certain if the show’s creators plan to focus on action and gizmos or character developmentI hope they opt for character development and allow the “tech” to supplement the story not drive it.  But, since the show is part of the Marvel universe and is directed by Joss Whedon I’m willing to give it a little leeway.

Courtesy Google Images
3. Arrow, CW, 2nd season debut 10/9/13
Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) has returned to Starling City after being stranded on an island for five years. He assumes the guise of the vigilante the Arrow (Arrow is Green Arrow of DC Comics). The show has grown on me. It has gotten better with age; the creators have allowed for growth in the characters of Arrow and Oliver Queen.

Courtesy Google Images
4. Grimm, NBC, 3rd season debut 10/25/13
A detective, Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntolidiscovers he is the descendant from a long line of Grimms, hunters of creatures that come straight out of the Grimm Fairy TalesI like the show; there’s ample suspense and construction of character relationships and the continuing story arc links each episode. It makes me want to come back next week to find out what happened.

I think the four shows I’ve presented are worth a view. But, I probably watch too much TV as it is so I ask you … should I make room for another show and add The Walking Dead to my viewing line-up?

Does anyone wish to share a show they’re looking forward to? (It doesn’t have to be science fiction.)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Derek, of the 4 shows you showcased I watch all but Revolution, but only because I lost interest when it took 4 months off last year. If I find time I may try to get into it this year again, but like you I watch way too much TV so I may have trouble fitting it into my schedule. Now first I can say I never thought I could get into a zombie show, and only because I told my son I would watch the Walking Dead with him, but I'm hooked. I can't miss a show. In my opinion one of the best shows on the tube. But if you decide to watch it, watch it from the start.
